logo DERO HE BlockChain Explorer(v1) TestNet

Server time: 2024-05-03 09:27:48 | Transaction pool

Network difficulty: 1000 | Hash rate: 0.000 MH/s | Average Block Time(50) 39.37936 sec | Total supply : 12962254 | Mempool size : 0 | Fee per kb: 0 | Median block size limit: 0.00 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

height built transaction hash fee ring size tx size [kB]

Transactions in the last 11 blocks

(Median size of these blocks: 0.09 kB)

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height topo height age [h:m:s.ms] miniblocks size [kiB] tx hash type fees ring size tx size [kB]
73580 73580 11434:53:18.216 10 0.583 block addeeb6135a243fe9f6d79ba436ad15bacf6110475597b5b13d5e2ee7852b3a4 N/A 0.61500 0.036
73579 73579 11434:53:33.774 10 0.583 block 70eb848adbf5b7855e005e51fcfba82694d5c4503c4184bd346d65e742560dd3 N/A 0.61500 0.036
73578 73578 11434:54:2.553 10 0.583 block d6d0f0e43061ecc859ca4933e1af3e7f266ea5274c7562d35b2120d0aed6363e N/A 0.61500 0.036
73577 73577 11434:54:27.419 10 0.583 block 7694fc04dc0ef5e40be98bf8ad4e9abbdc7cb259799628cf4d4866f54565f7f9 N/A 0.61500 0.036
73576 73576 11434:54:56.595 10 0.583 block 72f9dda28ceb727296aa3dc1e380211d5f9c83a357408eca9f3fe4f0bc9661c2 N/A 0.61500 0.036
73575 73575 11434:55:13.983 10 0.583 block 76675d1465d98cb5f1b357dbf60186d0c965dc783958bbe1e71332eb518db0af N/A 0.61500 0.036
73574 73574 11434:55:39.44 10 0.583 block 90bcf5147d2f6872f4f8e7e8c99154764f55fec86c133a8af9cbfc289f3fcd3c N/A 0.61500 0.036
73573 73573 11434:56:0.46 10 0.583 block 52af9366d6cbbb3bfe71a9d9b1fb65fa61e1a766061f1143457c89a578ca8066 N/A 0.61500 0.036
73572 73572 11434:56:34.16 10 0.583 block 26ed5d31ab45e5b29c390efb927f5a94bef4d246b01e36242e08d464a8430b6a N/A 0.61500 0.036
73571 73571 11434:57:0.546 10 0.583 block 5c438f9e4afe5ba4eec2c72ae1ef9065030928362e51f86df24144525fbb94bd N/A 0.61500 0.036
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DERO explorer source code | explorer version (api): under development (1.0) | dero version: golang pre-alpha | Copyright 2017-2022 Dero Project